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How much can these glasses change an industry, a market?

How much can these glasses change an industry, a market?

Of course, the glasses industry will change, it will also transform, but it is not as destructive as the panel TV industry.

Let alone the absence of television, if the television was not on at home, it would seem as if someone was missing. Is it easy? 50 years of togetherness. Then due to the match or drama problem, customization on TV was accomplished by putting one in each room. Nowadays, 65 inch OLED TV stands quietly in the corner, in many houses or hotels, very few people look at its face anymore, even if it is on, when they find time on their mobile phone.

And you have decided to “digitize” one of the factories that produce this TV Panel. To reduce costs and increase competition and you called it #digitaltransformationstrategy.

But with these glasses, everywhere you look is the screen, at the size you want. AR/VR/MR, Sound system... It can be carried anywhere, in the bag, in the pocket.

In fact, we recently put the screen as big as a wall wherever we want in the #metaverse.

There are currently many companies that are still producing and even implementing digital transformation for the products and services of a dying technology.

Beware of! Before it's too late, I say #secondopinion for your "Digital Transformation Strategy" - "don't start without getting a second opinion" or don't continue.

Otherwise, Digital Transformation turns into an accelerator of collapse, in the wrong hands.

#technologyforesight - see if there is a technology foresight in the transformation methodology you apply. And of course how it's done.

You cannot escape the devastating impact of technology, but you can choose the right transformation strategy and methodology.

Hoping to have many good years in which we will discover real transformations respectful to people and nature...

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